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Characteristics of Persimmons

God's fruit with abundant vitamins A, B, and C

Persimmons are Asia's unique fruit, and native to Korea, China, and Japan. Since old times, the fruit has been called God's fruit China's Oldest agricultural technology book recorded the cultivation techniques of persimmons Even the Tang Dynasty's herbal book. Sinsuboncho. has the classification of persimmon trees. Korea has also cultivated this fruit throughout history. Korea Oldest medicinal book, 'Hangyang Cugeupbang' contains records about the cultivation of persimmons.

The major substance in persimmons is sugar. accounting for 15-16% of the content of persimmon, therefore containing plentiful amounts of glucose and fructose. Depending on the species Of persimmons. Whether sweet or puckery, the degree of the sweetness varies a little.

A tart taste comes from the tannin substance called diospyrin. Because diospyrin is water soluble. such puckery persimmon species easily produce an astringent taste. When acetaldehyde is combined with the tannin substance, it becomes insoluble, and then the pucker taste disappears.

The black spots in the inner flesh and the skin of persimmons are the mutation of tannin cells that become insoluble tannin. The persimmon has abundant vitamin A and vitamin B, and contains 30~50mg of vitamin C in 100g of persimmon. The color of fruit is expressed by the color of carotenoid on the skin. The strong orange color expressed by lycopene is affected by the amount of sunlight in autumn.

The temperature during the maturity period affects the quality of persimmons. An environment appropriate for growing persimmons should have an average annual temperature of 11~15℃, as well as an average temperature of 21~23℃ from September-November, when fruit matures. In addition, persimmons are not cold-resistant, so they are usually cultivated in the regions south of Chungnam Province in Korea.

In general, there are two types of persimnons, astringent(puckered) and non-astringent (sweet) species. Sweet persimmon species do not grow in the region north of the central region of Korea. Persimmons are usually cultivated for food. They are processed to produce dried persimmons or to make sisap for use as industrial ingredients Puckered persimmon species are used for processing. Puckered persimnons are peeled and dried to make gotgam or dried persimmons. Ripe, soft persimmons are called hongsi or yeonsi.

Persimmon Species
Sagoksi This persimmon is pyramid shaped, and has very good quality. It usually does not have seeds, but some have 2-3 seeds.
This persimmon has a round-oblate shape with a concave top in a square shape. It has a strong sweet taste. This species is native to Sagok-myeon, Uiseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do. It is the major species Of astringent persimmons.
Bansi This persimmon has a round-oblate shape with a concave top shaped like a pentagon It is an astringent persimmon species with high quality, so it is good for making dried persimmons. Bansi from Cheongdo is particularly famous because it does not have seeds.
Bunsi This fruit is round but a little elongated, and has a round top. The shape Ofthe cross section is square. This species has strong taste.
Wonsi It is also called Chungnamsi. This fruitis round with a pointy top. The flesh is crispy and has strong sweet taste. It can be cultivated in a relatively cold region. It is perfect for making dried persimn℃ns (gotgam)
Buyu The size of this fruit is usually about210~220g. This species has a round-oblate shape with shallow grooves and a round top. It is a sweet persimmon. Its astringent taste disappears early an in its growth, so it is perfect to eat from late September.
Sangseojosaeng The size of this fruit is about 220g~260g, and the shape is slightly round-oblate. It is a sweet persimmon species with no astringent taste. It has a taste similar to the Buyu species. Its harvest time is mid October.
Charang This is a sweet persimmon species with a flat shape. It usually weighs about 220g~250g. It has a strong sweet taste and a crispy flesh.
Seochonjosaeng This does not have a strong sweet taste. Its flesh has a orange color and crispy texture with little juice. Its sweet content is low.
Gapjubaekmok This is an astringent persimmon species, and cultivated to make hongsi (soft persimmon) or gotgam (dried persimmon). It usually weighs about 300g, and has high sweet content. With its thin skin, it is perfect for making good quality hongsi or gotgam. Its harvest time is late October or early November. This species is appropriate 10 grow in the south central region of Korea.

Substances of Persimmons

The major substance in persimmons is sugar, accounting for 15~18% of their content. Compared to other kinds of fruit, it does not have a lot of juice, and contains mostly glucose and fructose. It also contains a lot of vitamin A and vitamin C. The color of persimmons is expressed by a composite substance Of carotene, which is a type of carotenoid and lycopene.

The astringent taste of persimmons comes from tannin substance called Diospyrin that is contained in tannin cells scattered in the fruit. The film of tannin cells is Very thin and can be torn easily, and because tannin is water soluble, persimmons produce an astringent taste. When acetaldehyde, which is generated by persimmons, is combined with tannin and becomes insoluble. the astringent taste disappears.

The black Spots Can be seen in sweet persimmons are insoluble tannin cells. The cells used to be soluble, but as they become insoluble, they no longer produce an astringent taste. In addition, persimmon leaves contain much more Vitamin C than Strawberries or oranges.

Vitamin C contained in persimmons is the precursor Of Vitamin C. SO it is not easily destroyed When exposed to heat Water air, unlike other general vitamin C. Furthermore, persimmon leaves contain a substance called rutin that has a function of hemostasis and lowers blood pressure. Among the substances contained in the Stem of persimmon fruit, hemicellulose coagulates in the stomach and stops hiccups as itproduces physical stimulation.

Persimmon according to Donguibogam, Traditional Korean Medicinal Book

Hongsi (soft persimmon) is good for a sore throator thirst and gotgam (dried persimmon) is good for indigestion due to weak stomach. Because persimmons or persimmon leaves contain substances good for one's health. they can prevent and treat diseases such as diabetes, as well as cardiovascular diseases such as high blood pressure if persimmons are eaten frequently. Persimmons are a perfect food for the elderly.

Persimmons are considered 'cold food', so people who have coldness in their stomach should not eat many persimmons. However, the cold nature Of persimmons can be reduced if making porridge out of it. In addition people with anemia or low blood pressure should not eat a of persimmons. This is because tannin in persimmons hampers the absorption of iron.

The Effects Of Persimmons
  • ▪ Gam (Persimmon)
    Persimmons with a brownish bulging stem taste better as seeds are evenly distributed. Good quality persimmons have a firm, Shiny, smooth Skin with strong color and a smooth Stem.
  • ▪ Gotgam (Dried Persimmon)
    Good quality gotgam should not have any fungus. It should be clean and have an even shape with no black color. Gotgams that are too mushy or hard are not good. The Korean gotgam is firm and has an appropriate amount Of white powder. In addition, there is little skin or little fungus around the Stem. Imported gotgams have a lot of skin and fungus around the stem. The flesh is also hard or mushy.
  • ▪ Hongsi (Soft Persimmon)
    The surface 이 hongsi should be shiny and jelly-like with no scars. Well ripe persimmons are good.
  • The flesh Of sweet persimmons can easily get mushy as temperatures go up, so keep persimmons in a container sealed with vinyl at low temperatures around 0℃

    ▪ Room-Temperature Storage Method

    Persimmons can be kept fresh far 50 days in a well-sealed pot with a small opening in a cool place. If using glass container or a pot with a big opening. place ripe persimmons in the container and infuse carbon dioxide into the container. After lighting up a candle in the containgr and affer the candle is extinguished, infuse small amout of potassium chloride into the container and seal it with vinyl. If keeping the container in a cool place Where temperatures change little, persimmons can be kept fresh all year round.

    ▪ Freeze-Storage Method

    After harvesting ripe persimmons, keep the fruit in temperatures below -20℃ for 1-2 days, and then freeze the fruit. If keeping the frozen fruit at -10℃, you can enjoy the fruit with abundant vitamin C all year round. If freezing puckered persimmons without removing astringency with carbon dioxide, the astringent taste of persimmons still remain. Gatgam (dried persimmon) should be kept in a cool. well-ventilated place TO keep gotgam for long time, freeze it. Hongsi (soft persimmon) can get easily torn. so place it in a container and seal tightly before freezing.


